Why this Blog?

A place where I can lament the changing times; for eccentric comments on current affairs and for unfashionable views, expressed I hope, in cogent style; also occasional cris de coeur largely concerned, I regret to say, with myself.


I welcome your comments, so do please write. Please note however that all comments are moderated prior to publication. Whilst I fully appreciate that life can be frustrating, nevertheless, abuse, SMS language and illiteracy will not be tolerated!

Monday 17 March 2008

SPI for Vista Lavatory?

Although Microsoft has allegedly already launched Service Pack 1 for the 64-bit version (whatever that means) it seems that the 32-bit version (whatever that means) is just around the corner. I believe that I have 32-bit (whatever that means) and I doubt I'd notice the difference if I had 1024-bit: all I want is for the bloody thing to WORK!

Anyway the Japanese have decided to see the funny side of it according to Engadget.

Until the next time

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