Until the next time
Why this Blog?
A place where I can lament the changing times; for eccentric comments on current affairs and for unfashionable views, expressed I hope, in cogent style; also occasional cris de coeur largely concerned, I regret to say, with myself.
Tuesday, 30 November 2010
Monday, 29 November 2010
RIP Leslie Nielsen
Thursday, 25 November 2010
A Parable
If you’re a scientist working for private industry, it helps to invent something useful. But if you’re a scientist trying to get funding from the government, you’re better off telling the world how horrible things are.
And once people are scared, they pay attention. They may even demand the government give you more money to solve the problem.
Usually the horrible disaster never happens. Chaos from Y2K. An epidemic of deaths from SARS or mad cow disease. Cancer from Three Mile Island. We quickly forget. We move on to the next warnings.
This is the story of a looming disaster that never became an actual disaster — because the science that led to the terror was never sound science at all.
In the late ’80s and early ’90s, the media used a few small studies of babies born of cocaine-addicted mothers to convince America that thousands of children were permanently damaged. Dr. Ira Chasnoff, of the National Association for Perinatal Addiction Research and Education, after studying only 23 babies, reported that mothers were delivering babies who “could not respond to them emotionally.” He told People magazine the infants “couldn’t respond to a human voice.” This led to a frenzy of stories on “crack babies.” Many people still believe “crack babies” are handicapped for life.
It isn’t true. It turns out there is no proof that crack babies do worse than anyone else. In fact, they do better, on average, than children born of alcoholic mothers.
Nevertheless, Rolling Stone told us these children were “like no others.” They were “automatons,” “oblivious to affection,” and “the damage doesn’t go away.” Education magazines warned that soon these children would reach the schools, which would be unable to control them.
It was terrifying news — thousands of children likely to grow up wild and dangerous.
It wasn’t until several years later that the myth started to unravel. Emory University psychologist Claire Coles had her graduate students spend hours observing “crack babies” and normal babies. Her students did not see what Chasnoff had seen. In fact, they couldn’t tell which children had been exposed to cocaine.
Coles told me, “They couldn’t really tell whether they were looking at the effects of cocaine or the effects of alcohol or the effects of poverty, and everybody ignored that. They just said, ‘This is cocaine.’”
How could that happen? “Well,” Coles said,” they wanted to get published.” It is easier to get your work published, and, more importantly, funded by the taxpayers, if you find something dramatic.
Coles said, “If you go to an agency and say, ‘I don’t think there’s a big problem here, I’d like you to give me $1 million,’ the probability for getting the money is very low.”
It’s also easier to get funded if what you conclude feeds someone’s political agenda. The idea of crack babies was perfect. It met the needs of liberals and conservatives. Conservatives wanted to demonize cocaine users. Liberals wanted more money for social programs.
When Dr. Coles dared suggest that crack babies were not permanently damaged, she was attacked by politicians, called incompetent, accused of making data up or advocating drug abuse. Dr. Chasnoff, who helped start the scare, did not receive similar criticism. After his scare was shown to have been exaggerated, he denied that he had pushed any agenda: “Neither I nor any of my colleagues were ever pushing junk science. Is everything we thought then — do we know that every bit of that is correct now? Well, obviously, the answer is no. But that’s the process of science.”
He said People and Rolling Stone exaggerated the implications of his research — took him “out of context.” Perhaps. Journalists hype risks constantly. But Chasnoff didn’t ask the magazines to correct or clarify their reports. So people continued expecting the crack babies — the real human beings who had to grow up with that label — to be walking disasters.
Next time you hear dire “scientific” warnings — and demands to surrender more control over your life to the government in order to avert disaster — remember the crack babies. The only disaster coming may be an activist-induced panic.
Think about that when you hear dire predictions about global warming or avian flu.
Until the next time
More Climate Change Nonsense
Sarah Strikes Again
Monday, 22 November 2010
A Small Start?
Brewing Up?
Friday, 19 November 2010
Please Read This
Just as "Global Warming" has been shown to be a blatant lie, now the pigeons have come to roost concerning "Passive Smoking.
There's a good blog article on the subject of a recent Canadian study here.
Funny it received so little publicity; non-conformist news (cf. "Global Warming") is always unpopular, as is of course the truth.
Until the next time.
Congo News

Regular readers will know that I am no fan of this failed state. It is certain that the Paris Club knows a lot more than I about Congo, but as a previous article here shows, I feel that I know quite enough.
How nice to have one's debts written off! Perhaps I should try murder and rape...
Until the next time
Thursday, 18 November 2010
The CBI* Joins the Fun
Outgoing CBI* boss Richard Lambert pulls no punches in his assessment of developed economies' attitude to global warming.
This is how the BBC chose to introduce its report on the CBI's call for action on Climate Change.
As I have pointed out before, the climate has been changing since the beginning of time, so where's the rush?
Most depressing of all is the BBC's use of the entirely discredited expression "Global Warming."
Until the next time.
*Confederation of British Industry
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
A riposte to that disgusting campaign "10.10"
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
Bent as a nine-bob note?
Monday, 15 November 2010
From Greenie Watch
Only the colour of the shirts has changed
What is it with these intolerant zealots who refuse to learn anything from history?
Right smack on the anniversary of Kristallnacht, German Parliamentarians, in a frontal assault, are now openly calling out and branding scientists for the crime of scientific dissent. These out-of-control parliamentarians are demanding that the German government take a position against dissenting views in climate science.
What follows makes McCarthyism look like a treasure hunt. What a number of zealous German parliamentarians are calling for borders on a call to launch a science pogrom.
The climate dogmatists are finding it increasingly difficult to cope with the scepticism, free speech, and dissent now spreading in Germany and Europe, and therefore want to stamp it out using the might of the federal government – and now.
The upcoming 3rd International Climate and Energy Conference, REGISTER HERE, has got them spooked as well.
Journalist Dirk Maxeiner here brings our attention to the latest development on the exploding intolerance that has gripped certain factions in Germany. Maxeiner publishes the text of a query written by the Green parliamentarians sent to the German government, read below.
As the text shows, branding of climate science dissenters has begun. Fred Singer and EIKE (European Institute For Climate and Energy) are the first to feel the sting of the denier-branding-iron. German greenshirts have sent the bloodhounds afterFred Singer because of his speech in a German parliamentary forum discussion on the economic impacts of climate protection held by the FDP Free Democrats, the junior coalition partner of Angela Merkel’s CDU/FDP coalition government. Read background here.
Some may think that I’m being over-dramatic here. I am not. The situation that the few, yet very vocal, sceptics face here is precarious. Just read the following query written by a faction of Parliamentarians to the German Government, translated of the German text presented at Dirk Maxeiner’s site (emphasis added, and note the use of the term “denier” throughout the text)......
There it is folks. All this because some people are asking questions about the science. These Green radicals are scared crapless. Their media hacks did everything possible to slander and destroy Fred Singer, EIKE, and other dissenting German scientists – to no avail.
Now for the first time they’re going after the liberty-oriented Liberal Institute of the Friedrich-Naumann-Foundation. They are de facto demanding a declaration of war on scientists and groups that have a different opinion. This level of intolerance has not been seen in Germany in over 65 years. This is their “Either-you’re-with-us-or-against us” declaration to Angela Merkel’s coalition government made up of the CDU Christian Democratic Union and FDP Free Democratic Party.
The Money Pit

Sunday, 14 November 2010
Lead by Example
European Stuff
There is also a new link on the right of this page for another good blog: "Tea and Cigarettes."
More soon.
Until the next time
Saturday, 13 November 2010
Aung San Suu Kyi
I do not propose to discuss the subject as I have no knowledge of it - apart from the fact that I know that the Burmese Government is composed largely of thugs and that Miss Suu Kyi's imprisonment was a disgrace. And in any case many people far better qualified than I, have been or will be writing on the matter.
No, it was reading this BBC article and in particular Mr David Cameron's reponse that prompted this brief scribble. The BBC article included the following:
UK Prime Minister David Cameron also said the release was "long overdue", describing her detention had been a "travesty"[sic.].
"Aung San Suu Kyi is an inspiration for all of us who believe in freedom of speech, democracy and human rights," he added.
Yes, très touchant, Mr Cameron. Now please tell us what is the extent of "freedom of speech. "
For example, are we allowed to condemn the climate change mafia, the green fascists, and the horrible nannying and bullying anti-tobacco lobby? Are we allowed to criticise the Mohammedans and other fanatical religious fundamentalists? Or the EU? Are we allowed to object to multi-culturalism?
And so on.
Until the next timeThursday, 11 November 2010
Them & Us?

With breathtaking arrogance, the aircraft's specification includes an "air-conditioned" smoking room. I should state here and now, that I am entirely in favour of air-conditioned smoking rooms being installed everywhere, but it seems unlikely to happen in France, where just as in the fascistically oppressive UK, smoking is banned in all public places (since January 2nd 2008) and in the workplace (since 2007).
Since the presidential aeroplane has cost the French taxpayer about €180 million, one is entitled to believe that the aircraft constitutes - at least part of the time (as does the Elysée Palace for that matter where the President is known to enjoy his cigars) a "workplace."
Personally I hope the President enjoys his cigars; it's just that I don't understand why he is the only citizen of France who is permitted to smoke at work, the rest of us having to put up with cold/rain/snow/ice/wind for our rather long winters here, for which, no doubt, that arrant bullshit "global warming" is to blame.
In "Tobacco News" meanwhile I have found a splendid article about the arrogance of our rulers here concerning a State Secretary (= Junior Minister) one M. Christian Blanc, who was caught having spent €12,000 of public money on fine Cuban cigars. Generously the article adds, he sent a cheque for €3500 "for the two boxes of 25 he smokes each month" whilst being unable to account for the remaining €8500-worth.
Even more intriguing, is the reference to the practice which ended in 2001:
In Scandinavia, Germany, or even in Britain these days, Blanc would now be looking for a new job. The opposition is spluttering, but he will no doubt just be rapped on the knuckles by François Fillon, the Prime Minister, and left in peace. Until recently, no-one bothered much about the huge sums that are spent on the comfort of the state nobility. Only in 2001, did President Chirac end the practice under which all ministers were given a monthly suitcase of cash, known as ‘special funds’, to spend on whatever they liked.
This merits further investigation I think.
Until the next time.
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
Do it Yourself
Just for once eh?
Until the next time.
Monday, 8 November 2010
What does it all cost?
Chinese President
Here's Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid of I understand, the UAE, making a noise in Berlin:
And again from Paris, here's President Medvedev of Russia; I cannot see if the cars have diamond-studded door-handles, but I wouldn't be at all surprised.
Finally a little touch of restraint and class with H.M. The Queen's visit to Williamsburg: dignified and probably very secure:
ça suffit!
Until the next time
Sunday, 7 November 2010
A Tie-In?
Just like Frank and others, there are sites which work hard to burst the bubble of the cod science used to justify the so-called climate change arguments.
One of these, quite wittily is called "Greenie Watch" well worth a look.
For those who find "democratically-elected governments" bad enough, these huge alarmist lobbies (anti-smoking and "warmists") must be terrifying.
In the words of the Duke of Wellington: "I don't know what effect these men will have upon the enemy, but, by God, they frighten me."
Incidentally, talking of the Duke of Wellington, whilst checking the above quote, I came across this amusing tale:
The Duke once met a little boy, crying by the road. "Come now, that's no way for a young gentleman to behave. What's the matter?" he asked. "I have to go away to school tomorrow," sobbed the child, "and I'm worried about my pet toad. There's no-one else to care for it and I shan't know how it is." Keen to ease the little chap's discomfort, the Duke promised to attend to the matter personally. After the boy had been at school for just over a week, he received a note: "Field-Marshal the Duke of Wellington presents his compliments to Master ---- and has the pleasure to inform him that his toad is well."

Smoking Encore
Inspired by Frank Davis (link on right-hand side of this page) I have re-activated myself in regard to my inherent objection to "nanny-states" and "big government."
In today's post he pointed me toward an excellent blog called "Banned"
I have of course added this as a link here since once again, I fully approve of this individual's position, as my regular readers will probably appreciate.
With regard to SMOKING, "Banned" has reported an excellent item concerning an article in the "New Statesman" (a left-wing politically weekly) suggesting that government minister "Vince" Cable presses on with the Labour Party's anti-smoking policy. I have taken the liberty of copying and pasting the piece as I consider it to be essential reading:
Smoking Hot
23 October 2010 at 00:22
Read this Mr Cable. l had the honour of taking D-Day veterans back to Normandy this July courtesy of Heroes Return. What follows is a conversation that l was party too. lt is verbatim and the only alterations l shall make is censoring the swearing. Don't judge them by the swearing either, they were in each others company and no ladies or children were present. lf they had been present they would've behaved like the gentlemen they are.
"Later on when l'd taken them to bar and we were sat out in the sun having a beer ... and a smoke, one of the vets said " Y'know, l used to enjoy a pint and a smoke at the pub but it's not worth going anymore. Hardly anyone goes. When l have been and l want a smoke l've got to shuffle out on these f'ing sticks. Doesn't matter if it's pouring with rain, blowing a gale, f'ing snowing ... out l f'ing go"
He went on "What really pi**es me off is all them f'ing anti-smoking c**ts. They say it's better for me, it's healthier, it's for my own good ... l'm 85 for ffs!"
His mate replied " Makes you wonder why we bothered, f'ing fascists won in the end"
BANNED, for reasons that are not entirely clear to me included the following video in the post, which shows a very romantic view of England, sadly all of it concerned with the past:
Until the next time.
Wednesday, 3 November 2010
Frank Davis
If you think that I'm upset about the absurd, nannying anti-smoking regulations now to be found in so many places in the world, wait until you read Frank Davis; he isn't upset - he's furious!
And then there's Frogsmoke, which I mentioned the other day; well worth a look, and finally, for the addict, Smokers Info, which provided the splendid photo below (which has appeared here before by the way.)