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Sunday 23 February 2014

625: Sochi 2014

Sochi 2014
My congratulations to the Russians for a stunning show in closing the 2014 Winter Olympic Games; what a superb display it was; the producers, performers and technicians have much to be proud of.

Being not what the French call sportif, I generally ignore athletics, football, rugby and pretty much all sports except F1 and snooker (!) and it was really only accidental that I watched the closing ceremony.  Of course I offer my compliments to all those who took part in the numerous sports; I am sure that they deserve them.

The music, ballet, the celebration of Russian literature and finally the great Russian circus tradition were wonderfully presented and performed - the ballet segment, Scheherazade, was so beautifully done that I had tears in my eyes.  The Russians have plenty to celebrate in these areas.

It is tragic however that I found it necessary to write here about the brutality of the Cossack security guards regarding their maltreatment of the very harmless Pussy Riot members; what a pity...
I hope that there will be a video that I can attach to this post - I would love to see Scheherazade again.  Should such videos become available, I shall certainly add them to this post.

Until the next time

Post scriptum:

In his closing speech, the president of the International Olympic Committee, M. Bach said "Thank you to the volunteers. Through you, everybody with an open mind could see the face of a new Russia: efficient and friendly, patriotic and open to the world..." 

I suppose that many of those living in the Crimea and eastern Ukraine might believe this, but bearing in mind those Cossacks, I fear that a little more needs to be done.

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