Why this Blog?

A place where I can lament the changing times; for eccentric comments on current affairs and for unfashionable views, expressed I hope, in cogent style; also occasional cris de coeur largely concerned, I regret to say, with myself.


I welcome your comments, so do please write. Please note however that all comments are moderated prior to publication. Whilst I fully appreciate that life can be frustrating, nevertheless, abuse, SMS language and illiteracy will not be tolerated!

Friday 18 March 2011

And: "The first casualty in war is the truth"

I have just been watching BBC news which included an extract from a press conference given by a Libyan Government spokesman, in which it was claimed that "no civilians have been killed as a result of the military operations."

I am struggling to decide whether I am more outraged by these barefaced lies themselves or by the staggering neck of their purveyors.

Connards de merde!

A la prochaine

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