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Sunday 21 December 2008

The Ungrateful Survivor

A big pig in the Snow. Image source: Here

In China there has been an on-line poll seeking "Animals who moved China."

The winner is a pig who amazingly survived burial for 36 days following the colossal earthquake at Sichuan last May.  According to the International Herald Tribune, the animal kept going by eating charcoal and drinking rainwater.

Since its rescue, the pig has been treated like the conquering hero, having been given a new home in a museum.  Unfortunately it seems that the pig's new life has rather changed its character; as the article reports:

"It's gotten fatter and lazier by the day," [the report] quoted staff as saying. "We used to take it out for a walk every morning and afternoon, but it's too lazy -- and too fat -- to do it."

And the pig is getting fed up with visitors, after initially being quite friendly.

"Now it just blocks the door to its bedroom when there are too many visitors outside. It's been increasingly difficult for us to convince it to open the door." 

Animals are like that: I remember as a child spending time trying to make a little "house" for the family cat.  Once "construction" was completed I tried to persuade the cat to enter his new home.  The result was a big fuss and some nasty scratches; a learning experience that has remained with me to this day.

Until the next time

1 comment:

Walter Jeffries said...

Interesting story. Just for reference, the pig in the picture, from our farm, was named "Big Pig". This was as opposed to one of her sisters who was called "Little Pig". Big Pig weighed about 800 or 900 lbs and was never fat since she lived her life out on pasture which is where she finally died after delivering many litters to us. Big Pig was one of our foundation sows and a very well tempered lady.


Sugar Mountain Farm
Pastured Pigs, Sheep & Kids
in the mountains of Vermont
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