Why this Blog?

A place where I can lament the changing times; for eccentric comments on current affairs and for unfashionable views, expressed I hope, in cogent style; also occasional cris de coeur largely concerned, I regret to say, with myself.


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Saturday 4 July 2009

Jacksonballs II - A Question of Taste

London's Daily Telegraph, is it seems, continuing its trend - and no doubt fulfilling its editor's ambition - to becoming the most "dumbed-down" newspaper in Great Britain; it should rename itself The Daily Jacksongraph.

It is possible that in the paragraph above, I have maligned unfairly the current editor: perhaps he is required to act at the behest of the rather sinister owners, the strange Barclay twins. Nevertheless it would be something if they could make an effort to correct all the appalling typos (and poor grammar) that appear at least on the website.

Bizarre: The Barclay Twins. Picture source: This London

Yesterday the Telegraph reported that Jackson is to be buried in a "$25,0000" (sic) coffin. As this coffin, which rejoices in the name "Promethean," is made of bronze, gold-plated and lined with blue velvet to boot, I suppose that the price is $250,000.

The "Promethean" Coffin. Image: Daily Telegraph

This revolting extravagant display puts me in mind of two anecdotes.

First, following a visit to the home in Nashville of Ike and Tina Turner, a journalist was asked his opinion of the place. He replied "Incredible, I would not have thought it possible to spend three million dollars at Woolworths."

Second is a report I once read in a newspaper, of a man who left in his will £25 to "anyone who after my cremation, will deposit my ashes in the nearest convenient dustbin."

Now THAT was style.

Until the next time

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