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A place where I can lament the changing times; for eccentric comments on current affairs and for unfashionable views, expressed I hope, in cogent style; also occasional cris de coeur largely concerned, I regret to say, with myself.


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Friday 9 May 2008

Hooray - I've Buried Vista!

© Microsoft Corp...

Hello again. Apologies to my many readers for the long absence; I have been away.

Just before I left, my OEM version of Windows XP arrived and whilst away I was looking forward to dumping VISTA which was, as you may recall, installed on the new HP computer I bought at the end of last September.

The VISTA experience was a very poor one: whilst I didn't get the "Blue Screen of Death" that others have had, I had all the well-reported compatibility problems, and all the wasted time searching for drivers for my peripherals. I hoped that VISTA Service Pack 1 would address some of these, but when I found that a) my scanner no longer functioned (I had spent a very long time getting it going) and b) SP1 provided no option to revert to the previous set-up, I decided that this was the final straw and I therefore purchased XP.

Despite it being HP's policy only to support products using the factory installed software, HP's on-line help people were truly wonderful and provided all the necessary drivers and information I needed; one of their helpdesk personnel said "Our priority is customer service."

I must also offer a big "thank you" to the splendid members of the excellent site (for computer enthusiasts and inveterate fiddlers) Techrepublic - well worth a visit and in the Questions forum, expert help and advice is available for the price of a "thank you."

I did the installation last night, clearing out everything that was on my computer. Everything worked first time. All my peripherals work and best of all on checking my Internet connection speeds, I found that both uploading and downloading were three times faster.

Goodbye Vista...

Until the next time

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