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A place where I can lament the changing times; for eccentric comments on current affairs and for unfashionable views, expressed I hope, in cogent style; also occasional cris de coeur largely concerned, I regret to say, with myself.


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Wednesday 5 March 2008

Beauty from Rubbish

Picture: Alex Dragulescu
Image source: joshspear.com

Someone once said that all spammers should be sent to jail, where they should be obliged to share cells with people who have had their penises enlarged, have taken Viagra, and are seeking a new relationship.

An amusing thought, but there are those who are able to find something positive - even from the worldwide problem that is spam.

Such a person is the amazingly original Romanian artist Alex Dragulescu who created the lovely image above from spam! My grip of digital theory is weak to say the least, but as I understand it he takes the spam information and breaks it into chunks of data and manipulates these to produce wonderful images such as that above.

I discovered all this from another news feed Wired.com; here is a nice short Flash presentation that provides a little more information and some fascinating images.

As usual, I am a bit late: here on TechRepublic is more information and it was there that I found this gorgeous picture - again apparently from spam!

Picture: Alex Dragulescu
Image source: Techrepublic.com.com

Finally, from this site comes a nice quote about the artist who works with a collaborator, Tim Jaeger at the University of California:

He [Dragulescu] started feeding messages into a plant-generating algorithm. "I have certain key words controlling, for example, the size…. Like, how many times is ‘Viagra’ in the text, and maybe it will control the size of the petals."

The sort of thing that gives one a little hope!

Until the next time

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